Vision Buddy – Wearable Glasses for Legally Blind

Give Your
Vision a Second

Harnessing innovation to empower your vision.

Give Your
Vision a Second

Harnessing innovation to empower your vision.

It’s All in the Details

Our low vision solutions brings your favorite shows and everyday tasks to life.
Front view of the Vision Buddy 4 Viewer headset, a wearable assistive device designed for individuals with low vision.

VB 4 Viewer

Best low vision aids for entertainment and everyday tasks.
Rear view of the Vision Buddy 4 Max headset, featuring an AI camera and USB-C port, designed to assist individuals with low vision.

VB 4 Max

Your personal vision assistant and glasses for macular degeneration, glaucoma and other conditions.
Front view of the Vision Buddy 4 Viewer headset, a wearable assistive device designed for individuals with low vision.

VB 4 Viewer

Best low vision aids for entertainment and everyday tasks.
Rear view of the Vision Buddy 4 Max headset, featuring an AI camera and USB-C port, designed to assist individuals with low vision.

VB 4 Max

Your personal vision assistant and glasses for macular degeneration, glaucoma and other conditions.

VB 4 Viewer

A low vision device for clarity and ease.

TV Hub

Computer Link


A man wearing a Vision Buddy 4 Viewer headset while reading a document, with a supportive hand on his shoulder.

Multi Feature Solution

Product designed to bring clarity and ease into your everyday life.

VB 4 Viewer

A Vision Buddy 4 Viewer headset

VB 4 Max

An assistive device crafted to empower independent living

TV Hub

Sony HD Camera

VB Companion App

Watch, Capture, App

Complete solution for Visually impaired
Rare View of a Vision Buddy 4 Max headset

VB 4 Max Features

Visionary Partnerships

New England College of Optometry Logo
Johns Hopkins University Logo
UCLA Stein Eye Institute Logo
International Academy of Low Vision Specialists Logo
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Logo
CNIB Foundation Logo
Vision Australia Logo
The Chicago Lighthouse Logo

Testimonials and Case Studies

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A grey squirrel sitting on a planter with its face blurred in a swirling motion effect. This image shows how people with Macular Degeneration see. Macular Degeneration
A grey squirrel sitting on the edge of a planter, holding and eating food with its paws. 20 / 20 Vision

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